Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Farrell's Bar Sign is Casualty of Holiday Blizzard 2010

Farrell's Bar in Brooklyn is a New York City landmark. It is an old Irish pub popular with current/former members of the FDNY and NYPD, and at one time it served more Budweiser than any bar in the city. Farrell's was a men's only haunt until Shirley MacLaine broke the gender barrier in the 1970's. To this day, there is no table service, no food, no music, and in many ways walking into Farrell's is like taking a step back in time -- in a good way.

This week, part of Farrell's became a casualty of the great Holiday Blizzard of 2010. Here are a few photos of the South Slope and Windsor Terrace -- most importantly, the fall of a landmark: the Farrell's Bar sign.

Riley the Pup in Prospect Park

16th Street between Prospect Park West and 8th Ave (still unplowed as of 12pm 12/28)

Park Slope residents walking down and riding in sleds on Prospect Park West

Partially-buried fire hydrant in front of the Double Windsor bar

Farrell's sign on the ground after it was blown off the building by high winds

Neighborhood guys picking up the remains before bringing it inside

Thursday, December 16, 2010

VIDEO: Holiday Entertaining Tips from Top Chef All-Star Richard Blais!

I'm a huge Top Chef fan, and am routing for Richard Blais in Top Chef All-Stars this season.

Recently, Richard took time to shoot a video for LG offering his top holiday entertaining tips, including a recipe for Egg Nog Gelato - YUM. Check it out...

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Jay St Borough Hall... or Jay St MetroTech?

I'm not the most observant person in the world, but I'm fairly certain that the signs at the Jay Street subway stop in Brooklyn used to say "Jay Street-Borough Hall." Now they all say "Jay Street MetroTech."

Am I crazy? Other Brooklyn-ites, please weigh in...

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Holiday Discount from Hallmark.com

As a thank you for stopping by their booth at BlogHer, the wonderful folks at Hallmark.com sent me a Christmas card and credit towards my holiday card shopping this year.

They also provided the discount code "Blogher30" for my readers. Use this code to receive 30% off your holiday card order on Hallmark.com.

Happy Shopping!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

No F Train this Weekend - Shocker!

Once again, there was no F train service in most of Brooklyn all weekend due to "Track Maintenance." It's gotten to the point where I'd be shocked if there WAS F train service on the weekend, so I'm no longer fazed.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Movie Filming in Park Slope Today

Mr. Popper's Penguins, a movie starring Jim Carrey, Carla Gugino and Angela Lansbury, is filming in the South Slope/Windsor Terrace today.

There are No Parking signs up along parts of Prospect Park West, Windsor and Howard Streets to make room for trailers and equipment.

crew setting up on Howard St

Friday, November 12, 2010

Fire in Park Slope!

Channel 7 Eyewitness News is reporting that there's a fire in Park Slope on the corner of 5th Ave and 17th Street. That would explain all the helicoptors I've been hearing...

Monday, October 25, 2010

Jake Gyllenhaal and Taylor Swift Dating... in Park Slope

Gossip/news sites are reporting that Jake Gyllenhaal and Taylor Swift are dating. Kind of seems like a mismatch - he's pushing 30 and she's barely out of her teens, but whatev.

The real question is what were they doing in Park Slope? Maggie Gyllenhaal lives here, so introducing his sis to his new GF perhaps? I hope to spot them before it's all over -- I'm betting they stick it out through the holidays, then quietly end it in January.

Monday, October 18, 2010

A Look Back at Blog World

I'm back home in Brooklyn after a jam-packed trip to Las Vegas for Blog World. Each session was valuable for both bloggers & PR/Marketing pros. Highlight sessions from day two and three would have to be...
>> Stand Out from the Crowd: Investigative Journalism Tips for Bloggers, featuring Evan Hansen, Greg Ferenstein & Jay Rosen
>> Working w/Brands featuring Lori Falcon, Jessica Randazza, Beth Rosen & Adam Harris
>> The Business of Product Reviews, featuring Carleen Coulter
>> Social Media & Sports: Game On, featuring Matt Cerrone, Mike Germano & Greg Tedesco
>> Ethics & Social Media Marketing, featuring Jeremy Wright, Brandon Eley & Jay Baer

See you next year, Vegas!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

BlogWorld -- Day 1

Greetings from Vegas!

I'm attending the Blog World & New Media Expo 2010, and have a few minutes to write before heading out to tonight's party at Aria.

Day 1 of BlogWorld was busy and exhausting. I got some great tips from the Art & Science of Social Media session (thanks @maggiefox) and the keynote chat between Brian Solis and producer Mark Burnett (Survivor, The Apprentice, etc) was highly entertaining. At one point, Burnett (who is British, btw, did you know that? I didn't); anyway, at one point he said "I'm a mental midget when it comes to social media, but I know it's important." He shared his insight on knowing what makes great content, how to connect with people and grow your audience.

More to come tomorrow -- hoping I don't lose big (again) in blackjack tonight.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Iron Chef Michael Symon Tells Us What's New on the Food Network Next Month

I could sit and watch the Food Network all day long. Between that and HGTV, I always have something interesting to watch.

Next month, the Food Network is introducing a brand new show, Food Feuds, hosted by Iron Chef Michael Symon. In this video, Chef Symon gives us a sneak peek at his new show, the new season of The Next Iron Chef and more... love him!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Mashable & 92Y Social Good Summit (#socialgood)

This afternoon, I had the pleasure of attending the Mashable & 92Y 2010 Social Good Summit.

I missed the first session, which featured guest speakers Howard Buffett, Geena Davis and Soledad O'Brien, but I did make it to the second. Doc Hendley's story was particularly interesting: a former bartender who founded the Wine to Water organization, which provides clean drinking water to impoverished regions all over the world, funded by the proceeds of the sale of wine. He had no experience in philanthropy or fundraising - he was just a regular guy who had a great idea on how to provide something that most of us take for granted - water that won't make you sick.

Actor Edward Norton spoke about Crowdrise, a social fundraising/volunteering organization he founded. Soon after his talk ended, a large number of people exited the event, and missed what turned out to be the most entertaining part of the day: Mashable founder Pete Cashmore interviewing Ted Turner.

I knew Ted Turner was a bit eccentric, but his comments were friggan priceless (and made a lot of sense, for the most part). If I didn't have HORRIBLE AT&T mobile service I would have tweeted everything he said as he spoke. Since I do have AT&T and it DOESN'T WORK IN MANHATTAN, I'm going from memory here, but some of the more memorable comments were:
"we don't need armed forces here"
"war is obsolete"
"I don't wanna bomb anybody. Do you wanna bomb anybody?"
"all you with your twitter, or twinkle, or whatever"
"print itself is going to fade away"
"I don't like media that talks about who's dating who"
"I was a scrapper. We scrapped"
"We sweated every payroll in our first seven years" (re the first years of CNN)
"I had a guy have a heart attack in my office. I've never seen anyone have a heart attack before. I said 'you don't look so good', he said 'I don't feel so good' and that was it. We called the ambulance, then I yelled for someone to find me a new chief finance officer."
"There are over seven billion people in the world. When I was born there were two billion, and that was only 70 yrs ago. Well... 72."

In all, a great event that made you think, laugh and feel inspired. If you're inspired to DO something, check out the UN's Millenium Goals and find a cause that inspires you: http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/getinvolved.shtml

taken from the back of the auditoreum

Saturday, September 18, 2010

National Weather Service Confirms that a Tornado hit Brooklyn

The National Weather Service has confirmed that a tornado hit Brooklyn, NY near Park Slope on Thursday evening.

Up on Prospect Park West, it just seemed like a brief, powerful thunderstorm passing through at approx 5pm. I saw a few trees down in Prospect Park later that night and the next day, but no major damage up here. Yesterday, I went down to 7th Ave and was shocked: trees uprooted, branches strewn across the sidestreets and sidewalks and several cars were completely destroyed.

Friday, September 10, 2010

HGTV to Give Away $1.5 Million NYC Apartment

I'm a little bit obsessed with HGTV's House Hunters, so I find myself watching the network a lot.

This week, HGTV launched it's annual Dream Home giveaway. In the past I haven't been too excited by this (New Mexico? no thanks). BUT this time they're giving away a $1.5 million apartment in Manhattan! It's downtown on Washington St -- check out the video and enter today (or don't, so my chances of winning will improve).

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger -- A Review

I'm not one of those people who loved The Time Traveler's Wife. I couldn't buy into the idea of accidental time travel, and I didn't identify with any of the characters in the book. In fact, I downright disliked them all.

Based on this, it is surprising that I decided to read Audrey Niffenegger's second novel, Her Fearful Symmetry.

It was passed on to me by my co-worker, who couldn't get into it and decided to give up on it. Since the premise dealt with a ghost rather than a time traveler, I decided to give it a shot. Bad decision.

(if you don't want spoilers, stop reading)

The book begins with a British woman in a London hospital dying of cancer. Her name is ELSPATH. I should have stopped reading based on that pretentious, absurd name alone. I didn't. Elspath soon dies, and leaves her flat and a sizeable amount of money to her American nieces living in Chicago, the twin daughters of Elspath's sister Edie, whom she hasn't seen in 20 years. In her will, she stipulates that the girls must live in the flat for an entire year before being allowed to sell it, and their parents are never allowed to set foot in the place.

The twins, Julia and Valentina, are 20 year-old thrice college droputs. They spend their time dressing exactly alike, sharing a room in their parent's house and sleeping in the same bed. You read all of that correctly.

Since they have nothing better to do and their parents don't try to stop them, they pick up and move to London on their 21st birthday. They make this trip dressed head to toe in matching, entirely white outfits, and hold hands walking through the airport.

Upon arrival, they learn from their aunt's lawyer/will executor that Elspath's lover Robert lives in the same building and will be available should they have any questions. Robert is an intellectual who spends his days hiding from the girls, writing his thesis and giving tours at the local cemetery (also the focus of the thesis). Once again, Niffenegger's "leading man" is a bookish, pale brunette with little glasses. HOT, right? Thoughout the book, Robert seems to have no friends/family but for the elderly people he works with at the cemetery and the obsessive-compulsive crossword-puzzle writer who lives in the third apartment in the building.

Long story short: Elspath's soul is trapped in the apartment, and she haunts the girls, but eventually they communicate daily, play games, and co-habitate. Robert alternates between falling for Valentina and trying to communicate with the dead. Julia spends her days obsessed with her sister, insisting that they dress alike, sleep together, not go to school and generally refrain from having any healthy relationship with anyone but each other (and their dead aunt, the ghost, of course). Valentina spends her days having panic & asthma attacks in the subway, swooning over Robert, distancing herself from Julia, fixating on her dead aunt and adopting a stray cat. Because OF COURSE in a book like this, they're all cat people.

If the characters weren't such absolutely useless losers, the story itself may have been somewhat enjoyable, but once again I found it impossible to like any of them. It wasn't even the situations they were in that were the least believeable - it was the characters themselves. 21 year-old women dressing exactly alike everywhere they go and sleeping in the same bed, and we're supposed to buy that this is 'normal' because they're twins? Bullshit.

I think my problem isn't the book itself - it's the author. She sticks to a template:
-- an unrealistic premise
-- set in/partly in Chicago
-- destined-to-fail love story between a beautiful woman and a brown-haired, Lennon-glasses-wearing bookworm of a man
-- and of course, cats

I disdain it, and this time I'm not going to give Niffenegger's writing another chance. And really, what kind of asshole uses a photo like that for their publicity shot? The kind of asshole that wrote this book, that's who.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Lessons Learned from BlogHer

On Friday, I had the pleasure of experiencing my very first BlogHer conference.

I am not very diligent about posting on this blog. I tend to write whenever I have time and just need a place to vent. I thought that most bloggers were in this category, but after listening to the panel speakers at BlogHer, I felt like a total underachiever. These women are not just writing for fun. They're making their blog their business. They are marketing themselves as a brand, and their opinions are generating a revenue stream. I don't how many of them have a regular job, but it sounds like many of them don't need 'day jobs' anymore...

Not sure how long this will last, but for now I'm inspired to write more often and pay more attention to this blog. Thanks for the inspiration BlogHer, and for the introduction to the Pillsbury Doughboy, of course.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

LeBron to Make his Announcement in Greenwich. Knicks fans Rejoice!

LeBron James will announce his team choice tonight at 9pm on ESPN, live from the Boys & Girls Club of.... GREENWICH, CT.

Not only is Greenwich about a half hour away from Madison Square Garden, it is also the hometown of Allan Houston and an 18 minute drive to the Knicks training facility in Greenburgh, NY.

Is there really any doubt left that LeBron will choose the Knicks? I can't help but think the latest rumors about Miami are just an effort to throw people off and avoid asking the obvious question: why would he make the announcement from Greenwich if he WASN'T going to the Knicks? There are Boys & Girls Clubs all over the country, and if he was really looking for a 'neutral' site, why would he choose a suburb of NYC?

Sorry Cleveland, he's Big Apple bound. And like so many other NYC athletes, I'm sure he'll be shopping for Greenwich real estate soon too! Welcome, LeBron. I hope to see you on the Avenue real soon...

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Alternate-Side Parking and a Near-Death Experience

One of the things I miss about living in the suburban CT town of my youth is the simple luxury of having a place to park. I'm not talking about when I drove to school, work or the store -- I mean when I went to my house.

Having a driveway is a luxury 99.99% of New Yorkers do not have, so twice a week the husband and I have the pleasure of circling Park Slope and Windsor Terrace in search of a spot before getting stuck with an alternate-side parking infraction. I usually bring Riley the pup with me, my co-captain if you will. Last month, that proved to be a bad decision.

I had just found a great spot on Windsor Pl near Prospect Park West and was feeling pretty proud of myself. I grabbed my bag and the leash, got out of the car and walked to the back door next to the sidewalk to let Riley out. Well, damned if the little fucker didn't jump over my arm and out onto the sidewalk, unleashed.

He looked at me for about two seconds before he took off down the street like a prisoner on death row who just found the warden's keys. I dropped my bag, my keys, tripped out of my flipflops and left the car door open as I took off after him, screaming "Riley, Riley, STOP!!!" as onlookers stared, laughed and tried to grab him as he ran past them.

At the corner, he actually stopped and crossed Windsor in the crosswalk before darting across Prospect Park West in 7pm traffic. Maybe the proximity to Holy Name kept him safe, because he made it across unscathed and continued up the block and right into the fucking Pet Store! Thank God for that pet shop owner who held my wild beast of a dog until I got there (and God of course, thank You too).

The guy had to take the leash from me as my hands were shaking too hard to attach it to his harness. I took a few seconds to thank him and catch my breath during what turned into a full-blown asthma attack, before realizing that A. I was barefoot B. I had left my car door wide open and C. I did not have my shoes, purse or car keys.

I cursed Riley as I walked him back towards the car, smiling at all the people who said "Bad boy, Riley" as we walked by, hoping that my car/shoes/purse hadn't been stolen to put the icing on the cake. But quite the contrary...

The guy who works at the shop near where I parked had my flipflops for me. A lady walking by had my keys and handed them to me. My purse was still on the sidewalk next to the open car door, where a man sitting on a stoop was watching them for me.

You don't hear about the kindness of New Yorkers enough -- on that day, my faith was reaffirmed. Thanks, Brooklyn.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

ATTN South Slope/Windsor Terrace: There's a Thief in Our Midsts

Not too long ago, I wrote about my beloved black and pink polka dot rubber boots, and how they were saving me from the slush puddles of NYC.

Well how's this for a kick in the ass? Last week, after getting home from work I decided to take a quick jog in the park. I'm not much of a runner, so I was gone no longer than 20 minutes. In that 20 minutes, a thief walked into my building (someone left the downstairs door open) and absconded with my husband's 20 yr old bicycle, my dog's Lion King towel, and my friggan boots!! I get stealing a bike, but seriously, a dirty towel covered in dog hair and used, muddy boots? WTF?!?!?

During this week's deluge, I repeatedly cursed this brazen loser while keeping my eye out for anyone wearing my boots, but to no avail. I'm going to put off shopping for new ones for a while, but if anyone has suggestions on where to purchase new wellies, let me know.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Do You Skype? Take the survey!

I just downloaded Skype software onto my computer after finding out that it was really quick and easy to do (and free). I still need to pick up a little camera to clip on top of my laptop, but then I'm good to go! Am I the last blogger on Earth who isn't using skype already, or is it a slowly growing trend that not everyone has caught on to yet? Let me know what you think:

A> I use Skype all the time to talk with friends, conduct interviews and more
B> I recently added Skype to my computer; I like it but rarely use it because I don't know many other people who have it
C> I have Skype on my computer, but I don't like the audio and/or video quality so I choose not to use it very often
D> I've heard of Skype but don't have it on my computer and am not sure I want to
E> What's Skype?
F> OTHER (expand, if you like)


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Black & Pink Polka Dot Knee High Rubber Boots

I hate shopping for clothes. I just don't have that 'girly' gene I guess. I dread malls, department stores, outlets et al. I always end up feeling hot, exhausted, claustrophobic and a little bit nauseous. BUT, today I learned to appreciate the benefits of actually making a purchase on one such dreadful outing: the day I bought these - my black & pink polka dot knee-high rubber boots.

I took my Riley-bear for a walk to Prospect Park this evening and spent 20 minutes dodging people sliding all over the sidewalk and hopping over 4 inch deep slush puddles. But not me. I happily trudged through the wet snow unfazed, knowing nothing could penetrate my ridiculous yet efficient black & pink polka dot knee-high rubber boots. Thank you, J. Crew outlet. Thank you very much.

WTF, the city hasn't suspended alternate side parking yet??? GRRRRR.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I can't stand the suspense...

Applewood, please post your Valentine's Day menu!

It's our first year going to our favorite restaurant for V-Day, hoping that the meal is as fantastic as it normally is.