Tuesday, January 4, 2011

MTA to Shut Down Manhattan-Bound Train Service from 15th St-Prospect Park for Four Months Beginning Jan. 10

As of January 10th, there will be NO MANHATTAN-BOUND F OR G TRAIN SERVICE FROM 15TH ST-PROSPECT PARK until May 2011. Were you aware of this? Neither was anyone I knew; a co-worker just happened to tell me after reading it in a blog post.

Just days after raising fare prices to an outrageous $104 for a monthly ticket, the MTA has effectively screwed the morning commute for an entire neighborhood for four months. It's bad enough that F and G riders endure disrupted service almost every single weekend of the year, but now we have no Monday-Friday service either?!?!?

Please flood the MTA website with angry emails about this. IT'S NOT RIGHT and someone should have to answer to the tax-paying residents of the South Slope and Windsor Terrace.

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