Wednesday, March 31, 2010

ATTN South Slope/Windsor Terrace: There's a Thief in Our Midsts

Not too long ago, I wrote about my beloved black and pink polka dot rubber boots, and how they were saving me from the slush puddles of NYC.

Well how's this for a kick in the ass? Last week, after getting home from work I decided to take a quick jog in the park. I'm not much of a runner, so I was gone no longer than 20 minutes. In that 20 minutes, a thief walked into my building (someone left the downstairs door open) and absconded with my husband's 20 yr old bicycle, my dog's Lion King towel, and my friggan boots!! I get stealing a bike, but seriously, a dirty towel covered in dog hair and used, muddy boots? WTF?!?!?

During this week's deluge, I repeatedly cursed this brazen loser while keeping my eye out for anyone wearing my boots, but to no avail. I'm going to put off shopping for new ones for a while, but if anyone has suggestions on where to purchase new wellies, let me know.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Do You Skype? Take the survey!

I just downloaded Skype software onto my computer after finding out that it was really quick and easy to do (and free). I still need to pick up a little camera to clip on top of my laptop, but then I'm good to go! Am I the last blogger on Earth who isn't using skype already, or is it a slowly growing trend that not everyone has caught on to yet? Let me know what you think:

A> I use Skype all the time to talk with friends, conduct interviews and more
B> I recently added Skype to my computer; I like it but rarely use it because I don't know many other people who have it
C> I have Skype on my computer, but I don't like the audio and/or video quality so I choose not to use it very often
D> I've heard of Skype but don't have it on my computer and am not sure I want to
E> What's Skype?
F> OTHER (expand, if you like)
