Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Dr. OZ and Bonnie Raitt, together at last

What do Mehmet Oz (aka Dr. Oz) and Bonnie Raitt have in common? Absolutely nothing. But I did spend my day and night listening to both of them, so I thought I'd share:

Dr. Oz, made famous by his frequent appearances on Oprah, has a new daytime talk show that just started taping episodes today. I thought it would be fun to drag the fam out to Rock Center for a taping, not realizing the shit-show we were about to experience. After showing up at 10:30am for a 2:15 taping, we waited until about Noon to receive our tickets - I was #5. The pages told everyone to go to the mezzanine at 1pm, after which time they'd bring us into the studio by ticket number.

Here's how it actually went: the 'mezzanine level' is a stairwell with no air conditioning. As of 1:45, we were still standing out there and the fatties, the Long Island Ladies Who Lunch, and what seemed like every loudmouth in the tri-state area began to get really pissed. They started yelling at the college-age pages, who just stood there wide-eyed with an air of nervous annoyance and said "I don't know" over and over again. After some old lady fainted from the heat, I guess NBC got nervous and started letting everyone in (of course, without bothering to look at the numbers on the tickets). In the elevator, some whack-job and one of the L.I.L.W.L. got into a verbal catfight and both said they were having panic attacks. Unfortunately, that was not true. Once we got up to the 7th floor, we realized that half the studio was already filled by people the producers had grabbed off the fucking street, so we had to mill around looking for seats, accompanied by nasty 'those seats are reserved' comments from the pages. Once we all found seats, some chubby comic tried to get the crowd psyched up by asking if there were any Jersey people in the house. And of course, the entire row of cougars in front of us was from Jersey - high-pitched squeals of delight ensued.

By the time the taping started, I wanted to take a machine gun to the whole place. Do I have anger issues, Dr. Oz? He himself is delightful, but please - spare yourself the eight hours of hell that is a studio taping and watch him from your couch.

After that crapfest, the evening ended on a positive note. Back in the Slope after a much-needed bottle of wine, my husband and I took the pup to Prospect Park, where Bonnie Raitt was performing. Laying in the grass listening to great music makes everything better, doesn't it?

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